Monday, June 21, 2010

What's going on??

You may have noticed it's been a bit quiet around here at Counter Obsession... well, I can tell you I'm in the middle of a war.  With Wordpress.  My big plans to revamp the blog at its own domain are in its final stages, but Wordpress and I aren't seeing eye to eye.  If we were dating I would have broken up with him about two weeks ago.  But instead we've been seeing a counsellor, talking through our problems and working on our relationship.
So I just wanted to say STAY TUNED for an all new, super-fabulous relaunch of COUNTER OBSESSION!! I've got some great products to review, and maybe even a giveaway to celebrate!!


1 comment:

Anita said...

Ahhh i'm about to start the same process!!

I'm expecting it to be a painful process from what i've read

GOOD LUCK!! :) Looking forward to seeing it all revamped :)